Research Integrity
The University of Iowa is committed to the utmost integrity in research and condemns all forms of misconduct and fraud. The UI has established and will comply with policies and procedures for investigating allegations of scientific misconduct and will comply with federal regulations for addressing and reporting possible misconduct in science. For additional information, please see the UI's Assurance of Compliance with Department of Public Health Service Policy Regarding Procedures for Dealing with and Reporting Possible Misconduct in Science.
Research integrity encompasses not only general principles, but specific expectations in regard to data acquisition, management, sharing, and ownership; the mentor/trainee relationship and responsibilities; and responsible authorship and publication practices. The University encourages its investigators to draw upon the following resources.
Research Integrity and Misconduct
Research Integrity and Misconduct Home
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
Responsible Conduct of Research Home
Contact Information:
Richard Hichwa, Senior Associate VP for Research, Research Integrity Officer
(319) 335-2106